Vintage Grand Prix Honourable Mention

Agnieszka Panasewicz / untitled

Vernissage: 19:30
Gallery of Modern Art - Leon Wyczółkowski District Museum in Bydgoszcz
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Discounted Ticket: 20 PLN

Regular Ticket: 35 PLN

Large Family Card: 50% discount

Tickets can be purchased at the MOB ticket office or online

Vernissage: Free admission


Vintage Grand Prix Honorable Mention

Agnieszka Panasewicz / untitled

I already know a lot of things, and if I try hard enough, I can learn everything. I've always been good at learning, even the best in the whole class. And I've never been able to forgive. I was sure that if I tried hard enough, I would learn to do that, too. There's always a way. I thought it was like learning to tye your shoelaces into a bow, riding a bike, or playing the guitar. You have to practice, and eventually, you will succeed. I wrote "przepraszam" ("I'm sorry") as "rz in a dictation exercise, because "rz" always comes after "p," and I got an A, but I still wasn’t able to forgive.

But you need to learn that. Maybe try to be afraid of God not forgiving us, because we don't forgive. Or maybe think a hundred times: "I'm not angry at all, why bother?" I thought that a hundred times, and then one time I thought, "I can't forgive, even though I really want to." I wanted to learn that because it's hard to live without forgiveness. Who was to blame for living and forgiving? Who called me into this world, where it's so hard to live without forgiveness? Who was to blame?

The guilty ones must be those who gave me life and then those who gave life to them and further and further. You have to dig deeper and deeper until you finally find out who is really guilty. I had to accuse someone. Was it my great-grandfather, or great-great-grandfather?

I found a photo of my great-grandfather. I got scared because he looked very serious - as if he expected to endure my gaze in a hundred years. Then I found another picture.

It was my grandfather as a child. He didn't look scary at all; he was rather scared himself, he was so tiny, he needed to be cared for, his sisters held his hands. He was innocent; he was just a child after all. Then someone hurt him, then he hurt someone. But first, he was a child. That's when I finally learned to forgive.

The theme of heritage, which appears in my work, refers to what I inherited from my family. I work in my own technique based on archival family photographs. I create photographic objects - I add applications: lace, stitches; I am working with the structure of paper. I'm not telling a made-up story, but I'm bringing out stories that have already been told.

I tried to intervene in the photographic image in such a way as to reveal the secrets that I saw there.

Agnieszka Panasewicz

I was born in 2000 in Podlasie and I live here. I graduated from the Art High School in Supraśl in the Knyszyńska Forest. Now I am studying graphic design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. I am tall and skinny like a string bean. I like to observe how my feelings look. Pressed neatly onto paper, they don't escape from me anymore.



12.09.2024, 19:30

Opening hours

Tuesday, Thursday – 10:00-18:00

Wednesday, Friday – 12:00-20:00

Saturday, Sunday – 12:00-18:00

Gallery of Modern Art MOB