Vintage Grand Prix Honourable Mention
Vintage Grand Prix

Katarzyna Michalska "Explorations/ Taming"

Department Store "Jedynak"
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Honorary distinction in the Vintage Grand Prix 2017 competition.

Katarzyna Michalska "Explorations/ Taming"
Katarzyna Michalska

The theme of the project is exploration. They are connected by taming space with the help of what known, clearly harmless, delicate.

The works were created within a few months of planning and moving to a new permanent one place of residence.

Space / place exploration

The first part of the work presents specific places. On the one hand, unknown, damaged, dirty, dark but at the same time picturesque areas of the halls of former Poznań Rolling Stock Works.

On the other, a familiar and tame view from your current residence, which in a personal one sense will soon be abandoned.

The second part is the representation of plants that are an element of taming space, adding warmth and coziness. Bushes and herbs were used to decorate the balcony of the current apartment, including forsythia, clover, thyme, coriander.

Tech / matter explorations

Cyanotype is most often done on paper. In this design used as a carrier fabric (cotton), which as an element of space was additionally - due to its softness, lightness, airiness - gives it coziness and promotes the taming of places. The places, their memories and plants, preserved in a new form (on cotton cyanotypes), they will soon be moved to their future home, thereby taming it.

All work was done on the fabric and irradiated with a UV lamp. Then they were photographed to achieve the digital version, which is only project documentation.

In the event of a possible target exhibition, the most interesting would be to present the original ones cyanotype on fabrics.