The film "Manufactured Landscape" is a record of a unique journey, which was carried out with a camera in hand by a world-renowned Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky. The artist, for the needs of the film, undertakes a kind of investigation, the purpose of which is to study the aesthetics of industrialized landscapes. This is a unique voice in the discussion on the impact of people on the environment.
Burtynsky, an excellent photographer of Canadian landscapes, sets off this time to places that he just has to tame. He spends a lot of time in China, where he uses a lens to document and portray the effects of a mass industrial revolution that has changed the country so much over the years. By following his work, the film director tries to formulate the foundations of her theory on "the aesthetic, social and spiritual foundations of industrialization and globalization." He often shows us repulsive places, which in Burtynsky's sophisticated photographs reveal his unearthly, intriguing, though sometimes frightening charm. From Baichwal and Burtynsky we also go to Bangladesh, the place where most of Western industrial waste is deposited. In shocking frames, we see the effect of the activities of large corporations, whose victims are the inhabitants of poor parts of the world. They are treated almost like slaves - they only become small cogs in a large industrial machine, like two young men who wade in a toxic slime, undressing shipwrecks with their bare hands.