Black Light [Polish: Czarne światło] is a photography series created on the basis of diverse objects found after the death of my friend in his house. The objects were either his personal belongings (shoes, socks, scarves, tie, etc.) or possessions he kept for several reasons (including sentimental ones). What to do with objects that were witness to human presence with all its heavy baggage of emotions and intimacy? One of the ways may be to use them as artistic fabric, to alter their meaning and appearance, to invest them with a new logic. This thought is also dear to me in the context of my imagining life after death. An alternative to ultimate decay and utter annihilation would come in the surprisingly different shape, form, and dimension…
Nobody,Black Light, live performance (music & moving pictures) sounds and photographs: MarcinSudziński (synths, shepherd’s flute)
animation: Rafał Kucharczuk
duration: 30 min