During the festival, the documentary "Elliott Erwitt - Silence Sounds Good" will be shown, an intimate portrait of the legendary photographer Elliot Erwitt during his work, who values silent society more than empty conversations. Adriana López Sanfeliu, the author of the film, photographer and documentalist, will be a guest of the festival. After the screening, the film will be accompanied by the "Before I Croak" photo exhibition, shown in Poland for the first time, which is an intimate diary showing private and public moments spent by the artist together with Elliott Erwitt.
Adriana López Sanfeliu - She was born and raised in Barcelona. After earning a BA in Art History and a Diploma in Graphic Design, she moved to New York to study documentary photography at the International Center for Photography. New York became her home, where she worked for over a decade as a photojournalist for the international press.
The author about the film - "Elliott Erwitt, Silence Sounds Good" is a personal portrait of a cult photographer of the 20th century. The film is an invitation to celebrate work and relationships. I try to reach Elliott through his personal space, the margins of his photos and the silence of our conversations. Our conversations are open spaces of shared intimacy in which the subject, image, question or memory become a dance step that, in harmony and sometimes disharmony, leaves room for answers and more questions.