
Tamara Pieńko / Lusławice Arboretum

Vernissage: 19:00
Municipal Center of Culture in Bydgoszcz
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Tamara Pieńko / Lusławice Arboretum

Lusławice Arboretum

The Lusławice Arboretum project showcases photographs that illustrate Krzysztof Penderecki's love for music and nature. They represent an artistically mysterious documentation of the garden's "score" "written" by Penderecki. The project was created to celebrate the Maestro's 90th birthday.

"Composing a garden has a lot in common with composing a musical piece. In both cases, constructive imagination and the ability to think in wholes are crucial."

For several months, Tamara Pieńko explored and photographed the Arcadian space that Krzysztof Penderecki created and from which he drew strength both in his artistic and private life—the garden in Lusławice. The photographs were taken after the composer's death and represent a personal attempt to interpret the multidimensional messages he left behind.

"I think that for an artist to create something new, they must cross the boundaries of convention, aesthetic habits, and known solutions. And most importantly, they must transcend themselves. After all, within each of us grows a tree rooted in the ground, but its branches reach ever higher toward the sky—to the transcendent."

The Lusławice Arboretum series was prepared using the platinum-palladium technique, which dates back to a period in photographic history preceding silver gelatin printing. These prints are preferred by art collectors for their longevity and appearance. The tonal range of the images is unmatched, even compared to modern digital prints. Platinum-palladium prints are the most durable of all photographic processes. Platinum (and its sister, palladium) is incredibly stable against chemical reactions that can degrade the print and is even more stable than gold.

Twenty selected photos were developed by Tamara Pieńko on Arches Platine France paper, measuring 38 cm x 56 cm. The series is collectible, with each photograph limited to 11 copies, each signed.

Tamara Pieńko

A photographer, portraitist, and founder of the S he for Art Foundation, which supports educational and artistic projects of a social nature. The results of her creative work can be found in the press, book publications, and advertising agencies. Her portfolio includes portraits of Polish personalities from the world of culture, art, sports, and politics.

In recent years, she has focused primarily on original projects that tackle important and often difficult topics. She is an artist of extraordinary sensitivity. Through her lens, she becomes a witness and confidante of human emotions and moods, which she captures with particular attention in her photographs. She is interested in unconventional frames that touch on the truth and depth of the photographed space, which in her view gains sharpness while maintaining delicacy and a hint of mystery.

The project preceding this publication, titled VII Symphony. Sounds of Love, is an intimate narrative co-created with the doyen of Polish photography, Tadeusz Rolke. It was the exhibition of this title, presented at the headquarters of the Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra, that became the beginning of another artistic adventure, the fruit of which is this album.


12.09.2024, 19:00‍

Opening hours

Monday–Sunday – 10:00-20:00

City Cultural Center