
"Vintage, Modern, Posthumous" Photographs from the Collection of Joanna and Krzysztof Madelski

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5 PLN half-price, 10 PLN regular


Question: What is the subject of all of this? Answer: There is no subject. — Julia Hartwig, Błyski

"Vintage, Modern, Posthumous" Photographs from the Collection of Joanna and Krzysztof Madelski
Anatol Węcławski

Among collectors, it was generally accepted to classify prints according to the period in which they were made. Vintage includes the prints made by the artist right after the exposition of the negative, at the time when a photographer works on a set or a series of photographs. Modern includes the later prints, made by the author from the original negative after some years or decades from taking the photograph. Posthumous, well, are made already by the inheritors of people in possession of rights to the artist’s heritage (hence they are often referred to as “estate prints”). The exhibition at the Vintage Photo Festival is an occasion to have a closer look at classic darkroom prints made by masters of Polish photography, through the prism of this essential, yet not so obvious, criterion. Photography never ceases to play tricks with artists, gallery owners, and collectors who while hunting for old prints encounter new ones, or are often conditioned to deal with posthumous ones (which, all things considered, still sounds better than “post-mortem”).

— excerpt from Adam Mazur’s review, translated by Kosma Lechowicz

Exhibition concept: Katarzyna Gębarowska

During the vernissage you will be able to meet and talk to collectors Joanna and Krzysztof Madelski.