Maria Teresa Salvati

Maria Teresa Salvati

Maria Teresa Salvati – Founder and director of Everything is Connected, a trans-disciplinary platform aimed at creating new communication paradigms, translated into "artivist" initiatives and living labs, to raise awareness about the environmental crisis, giving centrality to public spaces, schools, digital channels and codesign processes.

Since 2020, Maria Teresa is a special lecturer at UAL: University of the Arts London, within the MA in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography, teaching a course called "Visualizing the Environmental Emergency" in 2022, co-author of the symposium "Visualizing Climate Change", in partnership with UAL, Climate Visuals, PARC (Photographic Archive Research Center), and VII Insider. She is the curator of the 2023-24 talk series "Visualizing the Climate Crisis" in partnership with UAL and VII Insider.

In 2023 completed the EIT – Climate Kic, Innovation through Circular Economy, Train-the-trainer course.

Sustainability manager for the second edition of the Yeast Photo Festival in Italy.

Maria Teresa is also a personal branding consultant for creatives and has a dedicated column in C41 Magazine, presenting photographers seen through their "Spot of Beauty".